deal method assertiveness

Assertiveness – Using the DEAL Method

Assertiveness is a key communication skill that can help individuals confidently express their needs and boundaries. It is the ability to communicate in a clear, direct, and respectful way without violating the rights of others. However, being assertive can be challenging, especially when dealing with difficult situations or people. The DEAL method is a practical tool that can help individuals assert themselves effectively.

What is the DEAL Method?

The DEAL method is a simple four-step approach to assertiveness. It stands for Describe, Express, Assert, and Leave.

1. Describe: The first step is to describe the situation or behavior that is causing the problem. Be specific and objective in your description. Avoid using judgmental or emotional language.

Example: "When you interrupt me during meetings and speak over me, I feel disrespected and unheard."

2. Express:  The second step is to express your feelings about the situation. Use "I" statements to communicate your emotions clearly and assertively.

Example: "I feel frustrated and disrespected when you interrupt me during meetings and speak over me."

3. Assert: The third step is to assert your needs and boundaries. Be clear and firm in stating what you need or expect from the other person.

Example: "I need you to listen to my ideas and allow me to speak without interruption during meetings."

4. Leave: The final step is to leave the conversation if the other person is not willing to respect your needs and boundaries. This does not mean walking away in anger or frustration, but rather calmly and respectfully disengaging from the conversation.

Example: "If you continue to interrupt me and speak over me during meetings, I will need to leave the conversation."

Using the DEAL Method in Coaching:

As a coach, the DEAL method can be a valuable tool for helping clients assert themselves effectively. Here are some tips for using the DEAL method in coaching:

  1. Practice Active Listening: Active listening is an essential coaching skill that involves paying attention to the client's words, tone and body language. By actively listening, coaches can help clients identify the specific situations or behaviors that are causing problems.
  2. Help Clients Identify Their Emotions: Many people struggle to express their emotions assertively. Coaches can help clients identify their emotions and use "I" statements to communicate them effectively.
  3. Encourage Clients to Set Boundaries: Setting clear boundaries is an essential aspect of assertiveness. Coaches can help clients identify their needs and expectations and assert them confidently using the DEAL method.
  4. Role-Play Difficult Situations: Role-playing can be a useful coaching technique for helping clients practice assertiveness in difficult situations. Coaches can simulate challenging scenarios and guide clients in using the DEAL method to assert themselves effectively.


Assertiveness is a critical communication skill that can help individuals confidently express their needs and boundaries. The DEAL method is a practical tool that can help individuals assert themselves effectively in challenging situations. As a coach, using the DEAL method can help clients develop and improve their assertiveness skills, leading to more positive outcomes in their personal and professional lives.

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