Fees and Booking

You can book your coaching appointment via the contact page on this website or via email 

Life Coaching is online or by phone, making it accessible wherever you are in the world.

Is Coaching Right for You?

To find out arrange your no obligation 20 minute introductory phone or online conversation for only £15.

(This amount is deducted from the cost of your first coaching session.)

This introductory / discovery conversation is an opportunity for you to explain some of your reasons for seeking coaching and to ask me any queries you have about the coaching process.  pleases select this option or contact me  by email

Coaching Fees

Coaching is usually an ongoing process, working with your coach who will support you and ensure that you achieve the outcome you desire. Packages of time can be purchased at preferential rates. 

My fees are set at a level to be affordable to as many people as possible and not just for a select few!

Discovery Session


1 Hour Session.


3 Session Package


6 Session Package.
