Hello its great that you have come this far !

By booking a trial 20 minute session you will be able to make sure that I am the right coach for you and get a taste of how I work. During this session you can tell me what areas of your life you would like to work on, your motivations, unfulfiled dreams and anything else that is important to you.  It is also a chance to ask any questions you may have about coaching.

I will be able to suggest ways in which I will be able to coach you or if I feel that your needs are outside my area of expertise I can suggest alternative ways forward for you.

I always coach with passion, humour and inspiration and with a 100% unconditional commitment, going the extra mile to get you where you want to be.

 The consultation is conducted by Skype / Zoom, or phone if you are happier with this, with strictly no obligation. There’s no point choosing a coach you don’t feel compatible with and it is important that we take the time to make sure we are a good fit !

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