enneagram personality system

9 types of personality in the Enneagram

The Enneagram Personality System

The Enneagram is a personality system that identifies nine distinct types of personality, each with its unique patterns of behaviour, motivation and fears. It is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-awareness that can help individuals understand themselves and others better. 

The Enneagram is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-awareness that identifies nine distinct types of personality. Each Enneagram type has its unique patterns of behavior, motivation, and fears, which can help individuals understand themselves and others better. Here are the nine types of personality in the Enneagram system and some ways coaching can help individuals understand their Enneagram type:

Type 1: The Reformer - The reformer is principled, ethical and idealistic, with a strong sense of right and wrong. Coaches can help individuals understand how their perfectionism and high standards can be both a strength and a weakness.

Type 2: The Helper - The helper is caring, empathetic and compassionate, with a desire to help others. Coaches can help individuals recognize how their need for approval and validation can lead to self-neglect and burnout.

Type 3: The Achiever - The achiever is ambitious, driven and focused on success. Coaches can help individuals understand how their desire for achievement can lead to a lack of authenticity and self-awareness.

Type 4: The Individualist - The individualist is creative, expressive and seeks to be unique. Coaches can help individuals understand how their emotional intensity and sensitivity can lead to feelings of inadequacy and alienation.

Type 5: The Investigator - The investigator is analytical, curious and seeks knowledge. Coaches can help individuals understand how their need for privacy and independence can lead to isolation and detachment from others.

Type 6: The Loyalist - The loyalist is responsible, loyal and seeks security. Coaches can help individuals understand how their fear and anxiety can lead to a lack of trust and indecisiveness.

Type 7: The Enthusiast - The enthusiast is adventurous, fun-loving, and seeks new experiences. Coaches can help individuals understand how their need for excitement and stimulation can lead to impulsivity and avoidance of difficult emotions.

Type 8: The Challenger - The challenger is assertive, confident, and seeks control. Coaches can help individuals understand how their need for power and control can lead to a lack of vulnerability and empathy.

Type 9: The Peacemaker - The peacemaker is peaceful, harmonious and seeks to avoid conflict. Coaches can help individuals understand how their need for harmony and avoidance of conflict can lead to a lack of assertiveness and self-expression.

Understanding one's Enneagram type can help individuals develop self-awareness, improve relationships and achieve personal and professional goals. Coaches can help individuals identify their Enneagram type, understand how it affects their thoughts, feelings and behaviours and develop strategies for personal growth and self-awareness. By understanding the nine types of personality in the Enneagram system and how coaching can help individuals understand their Enneagram type, individuals can gain insight into themselves and others for personal and professional success.


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